Carpet Flooring

How to Keep Carpets Smelling Great?

Carpets tie a room together. Takes a drab and dull room and transforms it into a cosy nook! Carpets, simply put, can bring in not just pleasant vibes but ambient aesthetics to your room. However, there is a condition! ‘If maintained right’ is an addition that you need to think about whenever you’re carpet shopping and here’s why- if you have a toddler or a pet in your home, dirty carpets, silly spills, and careless stains and musty odors will be a must-have. In fact, the location in and around your home, for instance, dirt and dust quotient in the area you live, can also impact your carpet’s life! So, if you want to invest in a deluxe Persian, or maybe a handcrafted masterpiece, what’s the best way to keep your carpets clean, hygienic, AND smelling great at the same time?

Let us help you with a few-

Baking soda is a ‘tricky’ ingredient-

One of the hacks widely used to keep your carpet smelling great is baking soda- a common kitchen ingredient. Tip a handful of baking soda on the floor before you start vacuuming. Baking soda has an attribute that can soak the odor in the most ‘less-messy’ manner ever! Experts even recommend peppering baking soda over the carpets periodically to keep the musty odor at bay. However, do note, baking soda may create a chemical reaction if mixed with pet urine. Thus, always make sure to pour baking soda on dry areas AND not on wet.

Can Carpet powder help with bad odor?

Carpet owners often find carpet cleaning powders added to their monthly grocery list and even though your carpet cleaners do a good job in removing dirt and germs from the carpet, long-term results say it can actually degrade the carpet quality and would often fail to make your carpet smell great! However, some carpet cleaners come with chemical-based flavors or scents and thus temporary/occasional use of carpet powders can help for a while.

Few Carpet Flooring Tips to Keep Your Carpets Smelling Great

  1. Clean every stain as early as possible. Spilling things on the carpet is common in every single house. Pet stains are not easy to clean once they are fused in. But, cleaning them later can cause damage to the carpet. Therefore, it is a good habit to clean the stains immediately.
  2. A proper cleaning routine should be maintained. Every carpet type requires varying methods of cleaning. Solutions used for carpets can differ in effectiveness. Ask a carpet expert on cleaning tips, if possible, before you go in for the buy.
  3. Regular vacuuming is a better way to get rid of the dirt and smell too. One should have a habit of cleaning the carpets at least twice a week. You can use a robot vacuum system as an alternative to your physical efforts.
  4. Instead of commercial products, try to adopt a DIY technique for keeping your carpets smelling good. Things like baking soda, vinegar, cornmeal, borax, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, rosemary, etc. help in the elimination of the bad odor from the carpets.
  5. One of the best ways to have the best smelling carpet is to hire a professional cleaning service once a year. They deeply sanitize the carpets with advanced machines.
  6. Go for some pet-proof carpets. There are lots of brands that cater to pet-proof carpets. They are featured with absorbing defiant. Therefore, they are a great way not to have any bad smell on the carpet.  It has a Nanolock spill shield along with a soil shield. This way the carpet can be cleaned easily. The high-density quality of pet-proof carpets does not allow pets to destroy the carpet. So, check out pet-proofing carpets before you buy them.

Carpet maintenance may not be a cakewalk but with the right products and initiative, you can keep your carpets clean and smelling great for years to come. If you’re not sure whether these techniques would work on your carpet or not, simply ask a carpet or flooring expert for a few specialized flooring tips.

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